Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Assignment 13

ISO 400 f stop: 1.4 
 1/13 sec

ISO 400  f stop: 1.4 
 1/4 sec.


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Flash Fill Aperture Priority
F 2  1/16

Direct flash off-camera Priority setting
F 4.5 1/16

Flash fill Aperture Priority (outside Blue Kimono)
F 5 1/16

Flash with Modifier
F 2.2 1/16

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Assignment 7: Strobe & Tungsten

Strobe on subject:

Tungsten on background:




Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Assignment 6: Size Matters

Caryn lit by
22" Beauty Dish
with white seamless background
Caryn lit by
72" Octabank
with white seamless background

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Assignment 3: One Light Portraits

For my one light portrait assignment, I shot the lovely Caryn Coyle.

 In the first photo, I decided to place the light in an a wide angle and had my subject move her face away from the light to portray the emotional "distance" I at felt about photographing Caryn for the first time.

In the second photo, I placed the light to the right of my subject. I used a diffusion sheet in front of my direct light source and used reflective paper to create a magical, almost underwater pool glow on my subjects face and her perfectly picked blue jean shirt. In contrast to my first photo I felt no longer distanced to my subject so I wanted to show her walking into the light, almost as if she was swimming up to the pool light in a nighttime setting.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Assignment 2: Three Laws of Light

In one photograph using one light source clearly demonstrate the 3 laws of light at work. Include the light source in the photograph. The subject is the light. Use a dodging tool to prevent the light from flaring the lens. Try to crop out any ridging you might use and make the image about the light.